As the New Year begins we encourage you to dedicate two weeks of the New Year to prayer. To make that possible we have put together a guide to help you during this time of prayer. The purpose of prayer is for God’s Will to be established here on earth and in our lives. Prayer has always been about God’s Will. (1 John 5:14-15)
Prayer should not be a ritual but a real-time of fellowship with the Lord.
Fasting is not a payment for what God gives. We always receive freely as the Bible says; there are no specific instructions in the Bible on how long to fast or how many meals to miss.
Here are the churches guidelines
- Pregnant Mothers
- Infants and children under the age of 13 (there are child abuse laws and we are commanded to obey those in authority too).
- Mothers who are breastfeeding.
- Those who are using medication should consult their Doctors as to how to fast without aggravating their situation.
- Long fasts must be done only if the LORD GIVES THAT INSTRUCTION never on presumption.
- Please do not impose fasting on people we give willingly not by compulsion.